How to Reduce P and K… and Carbon


The USDA funded a conservation program called the Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP), developed in conjunction with the American Coalition for Ethanol. The project is part of a strategy to compensate farmers who produce low carbon commodities. Farmers will work through the RCPP to access funding for their farming practices.

While the launch of this program is just now starting in South Dakota, BW Fusion wanted to identify if there are ways our products could help farmers qualify for greater funding. The American Coalition for Ethanol created a tool that quantifies a farmer’s Carbon Intensity score. Better CI score ratings can be achieved through reducing N, P, and K inputs and by sequestering carbon.

We’ve been proving the yield impacts of our biological teams for years, but now we’re excited to see their potential impact on CI scores too.
ACE’s CI score calculator:

In this Grant’s Top Three segment, Grant details this new program and the potential it could hold for farmers in the future. He also shares brand new results of a four-year-study on three of his own farms:

Farm 1 “P”: Only applied 29% of recommended rate. P increased by 10ppm.
Farm 1 “K”: Only applied 77% of recommended rate. K increased by 44ppm.

Farm 2 “P”: Only applied 67% of recommended rate. P increased by 15ppm.
Farm 2 “K”: Build rate of 18% over the recommended rate. K increased by 74ppm.

Farm 3 “P”: Only applied 7% of  recommended rate. P increased by 7ppm.
Farm 3 “K”: Only applied 31% of recommended rate. K increased by 24ppm.

Staggering results. Not only does this show you can reduce your P and K input costs through incorporating biology, but you could soon gain access to funding through favorable CI scores as well.

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