Based on results from thousands of acres, Grant runs us through his shortlist of in-season products he feels confident can return their investment.
Grant also dives into the science behind these recommendations in this “Stress Less Webinar“. You’ll hear him reference the video in this segment of Grant’s Top Three. (Skip to 11:48 for Grant’s portion)
BW BioBoost – Corn and BW BioBoost – Soy are planter box treatments that are a direct replacement for graphite and talc. Formulated using our Environoc 401 biological team, the results in a Brazil trial showed massive tissue responses:
Early Season
Utilize BaselineRX for powerful in-season fertility data. Our team offers this soil testing service in order to help you make decisions in a timely manner to enhance the performance of your crop.
We’re recommending applications of Full Sun from V4-V6. This product has shown a 96% ROI when applied at a 64oz rate at that time. In the “Stress Less Webinar“, Grant outlines how Full Sun addresses all nutrients needed at the appropriate ratios, and why that’s so important.
AmiNo is a foliar nitrogen product that leaves easily uptake. Grant raves about its performance for corn at tassel through the R3 stage.