Wells Ag Supply & Biodyne

BW Fusion logo on images of crop fields

There are so many exciting things happening right now at Wells Ag Supply, and BW Fusion is one of them.

Many of you will start to hear the name and see the BW Fusion logo. I wanted to discuss how this company is connected to Wells Ag Supply.

Many of you have already been using the Biodyne beneficial bacteria blends, and are aware that we manufacture these bacteria right here in Fonda, in our laboratory for Biodyne. The B in the BW Fusion name stands for Biodyne. The W stands for Wells Ag Supply. Wells Ag Supply and Biodyne have decided to start a joint venture with the goal of offering a complete, comprehensive nutritional line-up, with an informative tool to help identify what is working in your fertilizer and nutritional investments, and what needs improvement. That program is call 365. We have bought into this data and the 365 platform that has over 20 years of research and development. We are also currently building a warehouse on the North side of Wells Ag Supply, and we will be manufacturing a few of our proprietary blends of products right here on site.

We have put together a team of people, and a product line that are second-to-none. These products have black and white proof on the benefits shown through our 365 program. Our goal is to sell what works, and to build a long-term business based on facts, and to guide you down the right path for your field’s soil health, and your crops’ limiting factors. You will know what your field’s most limiting factors are.

At the Fonda Location, we have two salesmen dedicated to BW Fusion. They are Cody Wells, and Aaron Bloom. Both of these guys have been trained by our lead agronomist Bodie Kitchel. Bodie has worked side by side with the creator of 365, and has a ton of experience with addressing limiting factors to raise a crop at whatever yield goal you have, most efficiently and most cost effective.

Read on. We've got lots to share!