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Grant's Top Three
Grant's Top Three

NPK Market Update

Grant’s insight on how the nitrogen market affects us here in Iowa.

Grant's Top Three
Grant's Top Three

Empowering Farmers to Win with CI Scores

Ethanol plants are going to be receiving a tax credit for any low Carbon Intensity corn they source. We want farmers to be able to receive a portion of this premium.

Grant's Top Three
Grant's Top Three

Guiding You Through Carbon Intensity Scores

What would you do for a 10 to 50 cent increase per bushel of corn? It could be as easy as getting your farm a certified carbon intensity rating. 

Signs of tar spot on a leaf of corn

Tales of Tar Spot

While our Tar Spot severity isn’t as dire as eastern Corn Belt states, we do want growers to be aware of some best practices when it comes to mitigating the impact this fungus can have on your yields.