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Grant's Top Three
Grant's Top Three

Pre-Pay is Underway

Pre-pay your crop protection products before Jan 15 at Wells Ag Supply.

Grant's Top Three
Grant's Top Three

Navigating New Products and Financing

New herbicide and fungicide products are coming at us from all directions. We look past the flashy marketing and ask, “What’s in the mix?”

Grant's Top Three
Grant's Top Three

Grant’s Market Opinions

How is the Israeli war affecting markets? Grant breaks that down, and offers an overview of the global and domestic N markets. 

Grant's Top Three
Grant's Top Three

Plan for Soil Fertility

BaselineRx soil sampling pulls 60+ more stats than a standard soil test. It analyzes more than what’s already present in your soil  – it can tell you what your soil is capable of releasing.

Grant's Top Three
Grant's Top Three

Diversifying Herbicides

We need 95% control of weeds for yields not to suffer – so why are farmers only seeing 70 – 75% control as they’re out in the fields this fall? 

Machinery in dry fertilizer warehouse

Depend On Us For Dry Fertilizer

We’ve got every major dry fertilizer product including potash, MAP, DAP, AMS, urea, pellet lime, sulfur, SO4 pelletized gypsum, and more that we are able to source and offer.

Grant's Top Three
Grant's Top Three

Last Chance to Scout

Our agronomists are crop scouting before harvest and determining management plans for next year.

Grant's Top Three
Grant's Top Three

N, P, K Market Update

Nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium markets have moved since our summer fill period.

Grant's Top Three
Grant's Top Three

Save Dollars With Better Soil Sampling

BaselineRx is a sampling program that analyzes your field by zones rather than a grid. You need the full picture when making crop input decisions.

Waterhemp in soybean field

A New Age of Waterhemp Control

Waterhemp has overtaken most others in becoming the defining weed of our current weed control programs. Many modes of action have succumbed to waterhemp resistance, leaving us with fewer effective ways to deal with it.