August Fertilizer Market Update
Sales Agronomist Tanner Day gives us a comprehensive report of everything happening in the fertilizer markets.
Sales Agronomist Tanner Day gives us a comprehensive report of everything happening in the fertilizer markets.
Late-season scouting can help us better prepare for the coming year.
Our Open House will take place August 29, 30, and 31st from 11am to 1pm each day. Everyone is welcome to come learn more about the services we offer locally.
Grant challenges traditional soybean fungicides by offering a stronger solution for plant health at this point in the season.
Good news – summer fill 32% prices are significantly lower than last year.
We’re seeing tar spot pop up in central and northern Iowa and it can significantly impact yield if not treated soon enough.
Current status of the N, P, and K markets. Prices seem to be coming down due to an oversupply.
Our crops are showing drought-like symptoms, but its not strictly from low soil moisture.
Grant explains why we’re seeing ‘tough’ crop conditions through data gathered from trendline weather reports.
[This article was written by and appeared in Farm-News on June 9, 2023]
“I was going to show anyone that I can fill my dad’s shoes, stick my toes out, and put on a bigger size.”
Grant recommends a few Group 15 pairings and tips for applying your product most effectively. He also gets into some fence line control tips for thistles and waterhemp.
It’s tough to choose which crop to plant first in cold, wet soils. Grant drops his recommendation, and provides solutions to help avoid any pitfalls.
Wells Ag Supply is an independent agriculture inputs supplier based out of Fonda, Iowa. With access to every major manufacturer and generic on the market, we provide unbiased recommendations on products best suited for each individual farmer.
Mon-Fri: 8am – 5pm
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