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BW Fusion logo on images of crop fields
Biological Nutrition

Wells Ag Supply & Biodyne

There are so many exciting things happening right now at Wells Ag Supply, and BW Fusion is one of them. Many of you will start to hear the name and see the BW Fusion logo. I wanted to discuss how this company is connected to Wells Ag Supply.

Man pointing to chemical meter

Pump & Meter Maintenance Tips

Chemical pump and meter maintenance is a very important part of your chemical application process. Your pump and meter will work the best if you do not let chemicals sit in them for longer than two days, and you keep them dry and clean.

Tractor applying nitrogen in tall corn

UAN Market

What a roller coaster ride the nitrogen markets have been this year. The 2019 nitrogen market issues started at the end of the 2017 fiscal year when UAN manufacturers had a hangover from low profit margins.